Island County Viewer Information

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You can use this google search engine to search for assessor data on my site. Click on the circle next to the "Search" In the search engine box, type in the property parcel number, or property address or the property owners name. The search should bring up all my pages that have those parameters.

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Click on the below Camano section map numbers, to go to a page with stunning aerial photos of Camano, 1/4 section property parcel maps, well information and Island County Assessor data of all parcels within that section.

Below is the Island County Deputy Assessor response on January 10, 2005. The assessor suggested that it would cost $1,400.00 for the data. Anita suggested that I should buy the $100.00 ICViewer CD. I was irritated. I bought (in January 2004), and receive updates of the Island County ICViewer CD. It's a good program for looking up individual people or parcels, but searching for neighboring people or parcels is very time consuming. The information is also uncopyable, except by printing.

Below is my January 14, 2005 "freedom of information" request letter to the Island County assessor for Whidbey Island assessor data. I apologized in a later letter for being "snippy", in this letter.

Below is page 1 of the ICViewer information sent to me on January 10, 2005.

Below is page 2 of the ICViewer information sent to me on January 10, 2005.

Below is page 3 of the ICViewer information sent to me on January 10, 2005.

Below is page 4 of the ICViewer information sent to me on January 10, 2005.

Below is the Island County assessor letter sent me on January 18, 2005.